Thursday, October 7, 2010

Essay 3

I plan on writing my third paper on the definition of pride. I feel like this is a word or idea that has a very unclear definition. I think there are several connotations of pride to be examined as well.
            I want to start my essay with a definition from Webster’s and then agree with or revamp the dictionary definition. It would possibly be a good idea to add another dictionary definition. I know that the word “proud” will probably come up while trying to define the idea of pride, but I want to try to avoid using both words and simply focus on pride.
            I think it is important that I address the question of whether or not pride is a good thing. In my opinion, it depends greatly on the context in which a person has pride. I want to use several examples of people who had pride and were affected negatively by it and others who were strengthened by it.
            I will use examples from world leaders and familiar life circumstances. I want to acknowledge that there may not be a clear answer as to whether pride is a good thing or a bad thing. Taking pride in your appearance and belongings is a positive thing but being too prideful can affect one’s life negatively.
            In conclusion, I want to reexamine my definition of pride and also take a second look at the connotations of being prideful. I want to connect the introduction and the conclusion by restating and possibly reusing an opening phrase.

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