Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Essay 2

For my second essay, I chose to look at a political cartoon and an article. Both of these mediums give the message that the Healthcare reform is insensitive and does not help the individual—quite a controversial idea in society. Let’s first look at the cartoon.
            The cartoon by Chip Bok shows an oversized Uncle Sam in one hospital bed and a sick, weak, dying “you” in the other bed. The caption reads, “We can’t leave life support rationing to the darkness of private enterprising.” These words are from the doctor who is attending to Uncle Sam.
The article I chose is one by Drew Zahn entitled “Obamacare hospitals killed: 60, with 200 on life support.” It continues to argue for patient choice, as does the cartoon. A central argument within both of these mediums is that along with Healthcare for everyone comes less efficient healthcare for those who already had insurance. The government is taking away the patient and family’s right to choose between different forms of treatment and length of life support.
Within the article, I find many literary techniques to examine. There is pathos, ethos, and logos as well as allusion. The cartoon relays its message in the form of satirical comedy. I believe that these two mediums provide enough information for a well developed essay.

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