Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Space Exploration

I feel as though U.S. and international space exploration has come to an abrupt halt in the past several years and space programs have been relatively fruitless. I completely agree with Michael Benson in his observation that the International Space Station is currently of no use. We have spent billions of dollars on something that is not currently being used for what it was intended.
            Instead of building alternate and smaller stations and leaving the International Space Station as a burden, I suggest that the United States make use of it. Its accommodations are phenomenal and I propose that we send that thing to do some work. Upgrades on the ISS would seemingly be cheaper and faster than the construction of other stations.
            I also strongly believe that we need to broaden our exploration. We’ve been to the moon. Why continue to work towards more trips to the same place? There is more out there that we have yet to discover. I propose that we send an exploration to as many planets as possible and to work towards bigger and better things that will actually be operational and useful in the future. Scientists have questioned for years, what other planets are inhabitable. We should abandon small projects and continue to work together internationally for further space exploration.
            I feel like this is a proposal that should definitely be considered. Upgrades to our current outstanding station and a unification of the countries for a common goal will yield a more successful outcome in the case of space exploration.

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