Thursday, September 9, 2010

Evaluation of Facebook

I completely agree with Tom Hodgkinson’s idea that instead of Facebook fulfilling its purpose to connect us with the people around us, it disconnects us. I always say “the more friends you have on Facebook, the fewer friends you have in real life.” While I do agree that Facebook is a useful tool for finding people that you haven’t seen in a while, it seems to make your current relationships a bit superficial.

I think one reason Facebook is so popular is because to a certain extent you can be whoever you want to be. Your profile picture is always the most flattering picture you have ever taken. You can lie about your name, your age, hobbies, etc. Nothing has to match up with reality and I think that’s why America and other countries are so addicted to it. It’s easier than reality. It’s much easier to converse over Facebook because you can take however long you need to think of a good statement. You’ll never get tongue-tied.

Another thing Facebook is good for is stalking. To do this kind of snooping in person, is illegal and creepy, but everyone does it on Facebook. Who is Sarah dating? What is Susan’s mother’s name? Where will Jake be tonight? Everything you could possibly want to know and more!

Although useful at times, Facebook ultimately decreases the quality of our relationships with other humans and takes time from better things we could be doing.

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