Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I chose Peeling Off Labels by Joseph Wagner as the most effective poster on diversity. One of the main things I based my decision on was the ability of the poster to catch my eye and keep me interested. Peeling Off Labels has just enough color to catch a viewer’s eye, but not enough to make it overly busy. The way the page seems to peel off like a nutrition label gives a clear path for the viewer’s eye to follow. I was drawn in by the color and then I proceeded to read the “nutrition facts.” This poster successfully encourages me to look past the outside appearance of people and to value them for who they are on the inside. I feel that the least effective of the diversity posters was Embracing Diversity in University Residences because of its lack of color and originality.
I believe that all five cartoons take a stand for affirmative action. The first is the most light-hearted and seems to make a joke of the matter. Although the second, entitled Supreme Irony is also humorous, I think it attempts to make a clear statement. The third and fourth cartoons, by Thompson and Wilkinson seem to attack those that oppose affirmative action. The final cartoon simply makes a statement about how pricey getting into college already is. Although I was slightly angered by it, I chose Admissions by Signe Wilkinson to be the most effective poster. It acknowledges that affirmative action for minorities would be just one more unfair way to get into college. Much of this already takes place. I feel that Lester’s poster was least effective because of the fact that it did not provoke change.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Advertisement Analysis

                I chose to look at a magazine advertisement for BMW. Apparently the advertisement was the beginning of an advertising brawl between the BMW and Audi marketing companies.
            This visual text contains both images and words. I feel that both are necessary to get the point across in this case. The visual text assumes that the viewer is familiar with cars. Granted that the BMW logo is at the bottom of the advertisement, it is not easily visible on the car, and therefore it is assumed that the viewer knows what a BMW looks like.
            I find the color scheme interesting. It seems classy, but the message the ad is sending is not. The car is in the foreground and the background is blurred as if none of it is important. The first thing my eyes are drawn to is the car and then the text.
            This ad leads me to research the awards that both car companies have won. It is a good marketing strategy to only mention these two particular awards. In reality, both companies have won numerous awards and have been recognized for various achievements with the design of their cars. I am also led to research the dispute between the two companies. I immediately scrolled down the page to see if Audi retaliated.
            Although the BMW ad is funny and rather entertaining, I’m not sure how much it would actually increase sales. Many people will find their banter tacky or cocky and will therefore avoid buying a BMW.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Essay Outline: Garbage Patch in Pacific
I.                   Introduction
a.       Explain the problem
                                                              i.      There is a large pile of garbage in the Pacific Ocean. Although the exact size is unknown, many sources estimate that it is at least the size of Texas.
                                                            ii.      Identify the cause
                                                          iii.      Effects on marine animals and plants
b.      How should such a problem be resolved?
                                                              i.      Thesis- Since the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is a world problem, I propose that the world’s people work together to clean the area. This will include exploration, planning, and clean up.
II.                Exploration
a.       Look at past explorations and sampling
                                                              i.      2001 sampling
                                                            ii.      2009 sampling
1.      What was sampled?
2.      Results
b.      Plan for future exploration
                                                              i.      Group of international explorers so the whole world will know what has taken place in our waters and the extent of the problem.
III.             Planning
a.       Group of world environmental leaders hold conference to discuss exploration and future plans
                                                              i.      Formulate a schedule and timeline for cleaning up the Pacific
                                                            ii.      Discuss the fight of  nature versus humans
1.      How to work against or possibly with the water currents to reverse its current effect.
IV.             Clean Up
a.       More Jobs
                                                              i.      Good for the unemployment rate
b.      Team
                                                              i.      The clean up team will be international and work towards the same goal: removing the trash by the deadline.
V.                Conclusion
a.       Restate thesis
b.      Explain why my proposal is better and more effective than others.
c.       Explain what the cleanup will yield and how the results will affect the world.