Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Space Exploration

I feel as though U.S. and international space exploration has come to an abrupt halt in the past several years and space programs have been relatively fruitless. I completely agree with Michael Benson in his observation that the International Space Station is currently of no use. We have spent billions of dollars on something that is not currently being used for what it was intended.
            Instead of building alternate and smaller stations and leaving the International Space Station as a burden, I suggest that the United States make use of it. Its accommodations are phenomenal and I propose that we send that thing to do some work. Upgrades on the ISS would seemingly be cheaper and faster than the construction of other stations.
            I also strongly believe that we need to broaden our exploration. We’ve been to the moon. Why continue to work towards more trips to the same place? There is more out there that we have yet to discover. I propose that we send an exploration to as many planets as possible and to work towards bigger and better things that will actually be operational and useful in the future. Scientists have questioned for years, what other planets are inhabitable. We should abandon small projects and continue to work together internationally for further space exploration.
            I feel like this is a proposal that should definitely be considered. Upgrades to our current outstanding station and a unification of the countries for a common goal will yield a more successful outcome in the case of space exploration.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For one of my sources, I chose a blog entitled “What is Pride?” by Jason Cangialosi. I wish to analyze the source’s credibility in reference to my research paper on the definition of pride. There are many instances within the short blog that Cangialosi attempts to establish credibility with the reader.
            The use of ethos is apparent in the first several paragraphs where Cangialosi mentions pride as one of the seven deadly sins and examines its role in possibly producing the other six. In my paper I wish to answer whether pride is a good thing or a bad thing. This blog would support the idea that pride is a bad thing.
            Cangialosi then throws in the idea of humility as a component or synonym of pride. He gives the readers familiar names such as Benjamin Franklin and Socrates in hopes that the reader will be able to relate to their opinions about the magnitude and beauty of the universe.
            The author then moves his attention to Greek mythology to tell of pride’s tendency to build up one’s ego and then to knock him back down to earth. A final attempt to build credibility is made near the end of the blog as the author states that he is not worthy to preach on the topic and that the reader should take it from the experts. Cangialosi continues to give quotes from famous people such as Einstein and Abraham Lincoln. I feel that one of Cangialosi’s downfalls is that he throws out too many names.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Essay 3

I plan on writing my third paper on the definition of pride. I feel like this is a word or idea that has a very unclear definition. I think there are several connotations of pride to be examined as well.
            I want to start my essay with a definition from Webster’s and then agree with or revamp the dictionary definition. It would possibly be a good idea to add another dictionary definition. I know that the word “proud” will probably come up while trying to define the idea of pride, but I want to try to avoid using both words and simply focus on pride.
            I think it is important that I address the question of whether or not pride is a good thing. In my opinion, it depends greatly on the context in which a person has pride. I want to use several examples of people who had pride and were affected negatively by it and others who were strengthened by it.
            I will use examples from world leaders and familiar life circumstances. I want to acknowledge that there may not be a clear answer as to whether pride is a good thing or a bad thing. Taking pride in your appearance and belongings is a positive thing but being too prideful can affect one’s life negatively.
            In conclusion, I want to reexamine my definition of pride and also take a second look at the connotations of being prideful. I want to connect the introduction and the conclusion by restating and possibly reusing an opening phrase.